Immersive experiences for registered dietitians and friends, dietetic interns and students surrounding food and the environment in Ireland, the Mediterranean diet and lifestyle in Italy, and the unique food culture and campaigns promoting healthy eating habits in Portugal.

Portugal May 26 – June 4, 2024

Join us in beautiful oceanside Porto, Portugal, for an 8-day immersive navigation of the unique food culture of Portugal. Registered dietitians can earn 33 hours of continuing professional education.

Explore: Ocean fish and local product markets in and around Porto.

Experience: The natural landscape of a salt marsh and a family-style lunch on a salt marsh island.

Discover: Interdisciplinary research and community dialogue behind the campaigns aimed at promoting healthy eating habits among the Portuguese people.

Ireland June 5-15, 2024  

Join us in Cork, Ireland’s culinary capital, for a 10-day immersive study of Ireland’s rich agriculture and related food history and culture. Registered dietitians can earn 32 hours of continuing professional education.

Traditional and modern culinary practices and ingredients and the influence and implications of history and culture on cuisine in Ireland.

Excursions into County Cork to visit local food markets, artisan food producers, seaweed foragers, organic food growers and an internationally-acclaimed cookery school.

The impact of food production on the environment and cultural influences on food choices, through engaging discussions with University College Cork faculty.

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Italy May 14 – 23, 2024

Join us in Florence, Italy for a 10-day immersive study of the essential elements of the Mediterranean diet and lifestyle. Registered dietitians can earn 32 hours of continuing professional education.

The everyday opportunities to engage in the health-promoting Mediterranean diet and lifestyle practices.


Excursions to local food markets and into the Tuscan region to visit artisan food and wine producers. Chef-led cooking classes focused on Mediterranean diet foods.

The keys to living the Mediterranean diet through discussions with University of Florence researchers and the cultural influences on food choices, through engaging demonstrations and conversations with local chefs and wine experts.

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Ann Cohen
Le Greta Hudson MS, RDN, LD, CDCES, FAND

Ann and Le Greta formed their partnership in 2008.Together they have developed and led 35 immersion programs for more than 625 nutrition professionals and students interested in learning about food in the culture and history in Ireland, the cultural foods of the Mediterranean diet and lifestyle in Italy and the unique food culture of Portugal. Their years of experience and academic partnerships are the special ingredients that make foodcultureology programs so appealing.